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The World Of Dogs, October 2016, FACES Magazine

My three articles in The World of Dogs were so much fun! I loved writing about honoring dogs and showing what heroes they are in all they do.

In Crime Fighting Dogs, we learn how the dogs train to help and protect. The dog and their handler are an inseparable team to fight crime.

What could be better than a holiday and celebration honoring dogs – everyone’s best friend? Nepal celebrates Kukar Tihar and does exactly that! Read about it in Holiday Just for Dogs!

Ashes, a beautiful chocolate Labrador, is a critical part of the investigative team for Brooktrails Fire Department in Mendocino County, CA. She sniffs out 18-22 hydro-carbon- based materials used to start fires and is also cross trained to identify the scent of gun powder and cleaning solvents used with guns. Ashes is Serious About Her Work!


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