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Ask Magazine Oct. 2019 Deep Dark Ocean

Internet Ocean, ASK magazine

How do web pages from around the world instantly get to your computer? Through skinny cables along the bottom of the ocean. Enjoy Internet Ocean in Deep Dark Ocean, Oct. 2019 issue of Ask Science Magazine This is my first article in Ask magazine and probably one of the hardest articles to write. To me, getting information on our computers…

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Saving Mali’s Migrating Desert Elephants

Saving Mali’s Migrating Desert Elephants Once there were thousands of migrating Gourma Desert Elephants in Mali.  Now there are fewer than 400. Around the world people help to save them. Mali’s Desert Elephants are baraka—a blessing to the people and environment. But drought, militant violence, poachers, expanding herds and farms, and encroaching human settlement threaten the elephants’ survival. This article…

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Faces Magazine April 2019 World Of Islands

The Maldives and Their Fight Against Rising Seas, FACES magazine, April 2019

Island nations such as the Maldives live with the stark reality that their countries will be under water from climate change. This is not fifty years out. It's now. These island nations have limited choices—relocate or elevate. The Maldives are taking immediate action, and calling on other nations to help. Read more in my FACES magazine article, The Maldives and…

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The Huli People of Papua New Guinea: From Isolation to Theft of Their Natural Resources

The Huli people have tribal customs from thousands of years. When the Europeans "discovered" them in the 1940's, life changed. And not all for the good, nor that benefited the Huli. "Modernization" has brought broken contracts, theft of land and resources, guns, and violence to protect what is theirs. FACES Magazine, March 2019 issue, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, The…

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FACES Magazine, Great Cities of the World: Tokyo, 1/18 — Two articles: Bento Boxes and Japanese Lacquerware, and Manga and Anime Mania

I've worked and traveled to Japan for the video game industry. I probably was the first woman to do that!!! So exciting and fun! My Japanese colleague sent me lots of stunning lacquerware, and I got a little hooked on manga. So getting the assignment for these two articles was a great joy to relive the relationships and thrills. Bento…

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“People of Peace” Faces Magazine, April 2018 — Malala Yousafzai and Tegla Loroupe

For this issue on People of Peace, I focused on two of the areas I love - running and education and submitted queries on two extraordinary people who have changed the world with their efforts towards peace and human dignity. Malala Yousafzai: Youngest Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Malala Yousafzai has been a forthright advocate of a girl's right…

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Morocco: Land of Extremes, January 2017, FACES Magazine

Morocco is a beautiful, bustling, mystical country. One of the lovely traditions is the making and sharing of sweet Moroccan mint tea. It is a sign of welcome, respect and calm. Read "The Power and Beauty of Moroccan Mint Tea." Moroccan life revolves around their Muslim faith and family. The family includes the extended family and decisions are made as…

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