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Livermore Half – here we come

I've been scaling away from full marathons and just doing a bunch of Half's. So the first Half for 2017 is March 26, 2017 at the Livermore Wine County Marathon - running and wine - works for me. Then onto the Armed Forces Half Marathon in May at the  Todos Santos Naval Weapons Station in Concord (Got our red, white…

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Morocco: Land of Extremes, January 2017, FACES Magazine

Morocco is a beautiful, bustling, mystical country. One of the lovely traditions is the making and sharing of sweet Moroccan mint tea. It is a sign of welcome, respect and calm. Read "The Power and Beauty of Moroccan Mint Tea." Moroccan life revolves around their Muslim faith and family. The family includes the extended family and decisions are made as…

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Cambodia, FACES Magazine, September 2016

Cambodia is a new democracy struggling to make its way in the modern world. After years of brutal wars, its resilient people fight to lift themselves to compete and improve the daily lives of their people. In "Recovering From Wars" I take a close look at how the country is making strides in it efforts to recover from horrific wars…

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Lots of magazine articles

  • March 5, 2017
  • Blog

I have been very honored to have received assignments in several issues of FACES magazine for children in 2016 and 2017. I loved writing each article, but haven't had a chance to post them and hope to soon. Each one brought me into a new journey of learning and talking with new people. Writing is team sport! September 2016 issue…

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Children’s Magazine Articles Coming Up

  • July 13, 2016
  • Blog

I am thrilled to receive five more assignments from FACES Magazine. I love writing for the Cricket Media group. I have two articles in the September 2016 issue on Cambodia. These articles were painful and challenging to write. The first Leng Ouch Fights to Save Forests is an uplifting story about the Goldman Environmental Prize winner, Leng Ouch. But his…

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Researching Hard Topics

I'm a researcher from way back. A colleague and I developed the first playtesting methodology for video games while at Atari (Yes, I love Ready Player One by Eric Cline). (And yes, ET tested as a dog, but the powers to be had a launch date and advertising commitment to keep - a stupid decision that hit the landfill.) I've…

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Getting Away to Write

I'm a big proponent of getting away to write. I think I do some of my best work when I can solely focus on writing and take uninterrupted time to work out snarls and inconsistencies. Perhaps you are the same way.  For several years, our SCBWI region has done a creative retreat at the Green Gulch Farm  Zen Center in…

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Deadlines – They work

  • January 11, 2016
  • Blog

I was thrilled to get 2 magazine assignments from FACES magazine on Dec. 14th, due on Jan 3rd, 2016. But what a horrific crazy time. The holidays were approaching and I was coordinating 2 - 3 SCBWI events plus we were having 17 people on Christmas Eve, 25 on Christmas Day and flying out to Kauai on Dec. 26 -…

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