Even though I have spoken nationwide and consulted with firms around the world, children’s writing is a totally different animal. It has taken me awhile to absorb and take to heart the wonderful advice and experiences from other published writers. It’s not that I don’t believe them, nor didn’t understand how to implement their good advice. I think there was a bit of shyness in putting myself forward in a new industry, new endeavor, and new role.
I’m sure many of you are in the same “shy-space.” Your day job is one persona, your writer life may be another.
So at last, with the help of my work with SCBWI, I’ve introduced myself to my local librarian, local independent bookstore, local Girl Scouts, etc. SCBWI is a wonderful resource and tool to use. Plus since I decided to do promotion for Ginger Wadsworth’s Girl Scout bookstore meet & greet on 4/18, this gave me the impetus visit our local elementary schools, contact audience targets, and more.
The more new steps, the better.