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Desperately Missing My Library
My library, the Mill Valley Library, is one of the most beautiful. It's my friend, my helper, idea source, inspiration,…
Virtual Armed Forces Half Marathon
On May 23rd, Keating Vogel, Anita Castro Sparks and I ran the virtual Armed Forces Half Marathon in our area.…
Virtual Bend Half Marathon
Masked up and running. I had been so looking forward to the Bend Half Marathon 2020. But when COVID-19 hit,…
Concentrating with COVID-19
I believe that every person is overwhelmed in one way or another, worrying and protecting against COVID-19. It is hard…
Internet Ocean, ASK magazine
How do web pages from around the world instantly get to your computer? Through skinny cables along the bottom of…
Saving Mali’s Migrating Desert Elephants
Saving Mali’s Migrating Desert Elephants Once there were thousands of migrating Gourma Desert Elephants in Mali. Now there are fewer…
Six Minutes to Uncover a Memory
At the August 2019 Los Angeles SCBWI Conference for children's writers and illustrators, award-winning author Meg Medina shared a terrific…
SCBWI LA Conference Tips!
This has to be one of the biggest gatherings of children's writers, authors, illustrators, editors, art directors, interested friends and…
Keep on Running
I hope to run to 103 years old - this is one amazing woman. https://www.businessinsider.com/julia-hawkins-record-runner-shares-life-tips-2019-6 Her philosophy is equally as…
Regional Writer Conferences Verses National Conferences
When examining the needs to improve your craft, the investment in conferences, intensives, retreats, and local workshops become important tools…
My Latest Writing Resources
I started my professional career in market research, consumer research, and statistics. As I moved through executive marketing positions, I've…
The Maldives and Their Fight Against Rising Seas, FACES magazine, April 2019
Island nations such as the Maldives live with the stark reality that their countries will be under water from climate…
The Huli People of Papua New Guinea: From Isolation to Theft of Their Natural Resources
The Huli people have tribal customs from thousands of years. When the Europeans "discovered" them in the 1940's, life changed.…
Children’s Magazine Writing – Such a love!
I've written for health care and other industry trade magazines for years. When I decided to write children's literature, it…
Change at SCBWI and More Time to Write
After 12 years of running the San Francisco North and East Bay Region, first as Assistant Regional Advisor and then…
Mentoring is a gift
I just finished the 2018 Nevada Mentor program for children writers. My mentor was author Terri Farley. She was amazing.…
FACES Magazine, Great Cities of the World: Tokyo, 1/18 — Two articles: Bento Boxes and Japanese Lacquerware, and Manga and Anime Mania
I've worked and traveled to Japan for the video game industry. I probably was the first woman to do that!!!…
Middle Grade Craft Program, The Corte Madera Inn, June 16, 2018
Digging deeper into your craft is a critical keystone for SCBWI. So since I write middle grade, what better event…
“People of Peace” Faces Magazine, April 2018 — Malala Yousafzai and Tegla Loroupe
For this issue on People of Peace, I focused on two of the areas I love - running and education…
Tartan, Not Just Plaid – The Scottish Heritage of the World Famous Weave
All around the world, people wear plaid. It might be one of the most best-known, well-recognized patterns in the world.…
Mentoring – a gift to writing and writers
It is a gift to have someone help you along a journey to improve, such as a coach or a…
Tokyo, Japan – Two upcoming magazine articles I love
I received assignments for two articles for the January 2018 issue of FACES Magazine's Great Cities of the World: Tokyo.…
Getting Ideas
Sometimes the best thing for your writing is to take a break, give your brain a break, and enjoy something…
Sydney, Australia Issue, FACES Magazine, Cobblestone Publishing
My mum and sisters migrated to Australia over 35 years ago, so I've been to Australia several times to visit…
Livermore Half – here we come
I've been scaling away from full marathons and just doing a bunch of Half's. So the first Half for 2017…
February, 2017, The Greatest Rivers of the World, FACES magazine
After writing earlier articles on Cambodia, I learned how the Mekong River is the life and livelihood of millions of…
Morocco: Land of Extremes, January 2017, FACES Magazine
Morocco is a beautiful, bustling, mystical country. One of the lovely traditions is the making and sharing of sweet Moroccan…
Cambodia, FACES Magazine, September 2016
Cambodia is a new democracy struggling to make its way in the modern world. After years of brutal wars, its…
The World of Dogs, October 2016, FACES Magazine
My three articles in The World of Dogs were so much fun! I loved writing about honoring dogs and showing…
Lots of magazine articles
I have been very honored to have received assignments in several issues of FACES magazine for children in 2016 and…
Children’s Magazine Articles Coming Up
I am thrilled to receive five more assignments from FACES Magazine. I love writing for the Cricket Media group. I…
Researching Hard Topics
I'm a researcher from way back. A colleague and I developed the first playtesting methodology for video games while at…
FACES Magazine Issue: The Dominican Republic – 3 articles: Baseball is a Way of Life, Dominican Republic’s Top Baseball Stars, Baseball Next Stars: Dominican Youth Academies
Baseball is the heart and passion of the Dominican Republic. It is the number one sport and if a kid…
Faces Magazine Articles: The Changing Role of Women in Kenya, A Kaleidoscope of Food
I have been an avid runner for years and am mesmerized by the runners of Kenya. I asked the same…
Now it’s about sticking with a schedule
My thoughts of speed enhancement are that - merely thoughts. I haven't done a lot, okay any, speed or tempo…
Getting Away to Write
I'm a big proponent of getting away to write. I think I do some of my best work when I…
Deadlines – They work
I was thrilled to get 2 magazine assignments from FACES magazine on Dec. 14th, due on Jan 3rd, 2016. But…
Invest in Your Writing – Treat it like you are an athlete
I find the investment in writing is like developing an athlete. You need to find experts, lay out a training…
There is nothing more powerful than a kind, positive word
I attended the SCBWI Los Angeles Conference July 31 - August 3rd. I've attended many, many children's writers conferences, intensives…
When you are the slowest . . . It’s all about perspective.
I never thought it would happen. Really, I never thought about age. I keep trying new things. But I never…
The Ups and Downs of Critiques
I've had blistering critiques, start-over critiques, not nice critiques, critiques that called my work "a critique quilt", critiques by "experts"…
May 16th Oakland Intensives Spot On
Our Oakland Intensives for Picture Book and Novel writers were spot on and sold out. The attendees were terrific and…
May 16 Intensives for Picture Book and Novel
Our SCBWI programs are blessed with many devoted volunteers and more join every day to help us put on terrific…
Incredible Field Visit – Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Habitat
Cold Calling an Expert I've been researching the marsh habitat and the salt marsh harvest mouse (SMHM) for years. I've…
Star Wars Half Marathon – Just Have Fun, This Goes for Writing too!
Re-assessing goals is something that I sometimes have a hard time doing. I'm pretty achievement-oriented. But when illness and injury…
Setbacks – Star Wars Half, or not to Half
I'm used to running (and writing) setbacks. 2014 seemed to have its share of them. First, plantar fasciitis, right at…
Great Ending to 2014 and Blast Off for 2015
Our SCBWI Region ended the year with a terrific Faire and Holiday Mixer on Dec. 6th! Over 85 members and…
Our First FREE SCBWI FAIRE on Dec. 6th!
I have gone to many trade shows and managed many in my professional career, along with board meetings, seminars, conferences…
When SCBWI Gets in the Way of Writing
It's true. This can happen. We ran an exhausting Fall Conference and 3 Intensives in October, followed by preparation for…
Summer Vacations & Della Hates Dirt, Draft 1 & 2
Our Fall Intensives and Conference 10/17 & 10/18
We have been in a huge whirl of the many, many preparations for this tremendous event. We expanded the conference…
Tons of Action in SF North & East Bay Region
We have been bubbling over with new SCBWI events, new speakers and lots of new volunteers helping out. Children's writers…
Do the same thing, get the same result.
This is so true. How hard I have tried to change up my running training -- like my writing. I…
FACES 2014 Magazine “ALL EYES ON BRAZIL 2014: Soccer in the Spotlight” – Four new articles
This incredible issue focuses on the Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup. I have four articles in this issue. I am…
AppleSeeds Magazine Issue: Snakes – Twinkie Tells All
Twinkie has a lot to say! She's the most popular snake at the Reptile Zoo in the Prehistoric Pets Store…
Rewrite lesson – “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
I recently re-read the many, many critiques that have been done on one of my chapter book stories over the…
Faces Magazine Issue: 2014 Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has a history of freedom. But when the Nazi's marched in, everything changed. Then WWII ended and…
Magazine Mania for Writing Fitness
I've been submitting queries to children's magazines as much as I could in 2013. I love doing short, high impact…
Third Grade Book Club Jitters
My critique group suggested I volunteer in a school. So I applied. It's been a crazy experience. When the assistant…
Disneyland Reminds Us How to Delight a Child
I just took my law student son and youth pastor son-in-law to Disneyland. It was exactly what my children's writer…
Gennifer Choldenko Will Speak on 9/12 at Mill Valley’s Depot Bookstore
I saw Gennifer speak at one of my first local SCBWI meetings many years ago at Redwood High School. She…
SCBWI L.A. Conference – Wow!
The Los Angeles SCBWI (Society of Children's Writers and Illustrators) Conference was packed with over 1200 people. Like a conference…
Doing Queries for Children’s Magazines
At the SCBWI national conference in Los Angeles 4 years ago, I attended a wonderful workshop by SCBWI regional advisor…
Clearing Your Head & Roadblock Busters
Everyone hits roadblocks in their work and their writing. Sometimes coming up against one roadblock after another, and sometimes big…
Fall Conference “Spin A Magical Story” – Registration Now Open
Whew! The conference team has been working on the preparations for months and we are so excited about this workshop-based…
Running & Writing – Writing is Harder
After a back injury related to running 2 marathons, I am blessed to be able to train with running friends…
When there is writing synchronicity
Had to put my two finished manuscripts aside. Now working on the third about the Marsh World - Della Gets…
Two Great Regional Meetings on the Same Day – Whoops & Wow
On May 18th, we held 2 local region meetings, one for illustrators in Oakland, and the other for writers in…
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World in AppleSeeds Magazine
AppleSeeds Magazine's current issue, It's the Greatest, peeks at the greatest things in the world. I pitched a few queries -…
Diving in for a Complete Edit
I have completed 2 chapter book manuscripts. I've been submitting both a bit to agents and editors. Then I rewrite,…
Getting Local, Familiar and Out of “Shy-Space”
Even though I have spoken nationwide and consulted with firms around the world, children's writing is a totally different animal.…
Book Signing of “First Girl Scout” for Girl Scouts, Leaders & Former Girl Scouts
I am bringing Ginger Wadsworth, author of First Girl Scout, and Yosemite's Songster, to our SCBWI Marin County April 18th…
Manuscript Revisions and Running – You need support groups!
Now that I am back from rehabbing, both on my manuscripts and on my lower back for running, I see…
Programs are on A Roll
SCBWI is a wonderful organization of talented volunteers. I am biased. I think our region has among the best. We…
New Assignment from Appleseeds Magazine
I'm excited about this new assignment - a short article about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. I loved…
Getting the Calendar Going for 2013
It's been pretty crazy since our terrific, super crowded conference in October, 2012. I think it took the conference team…
Faces Magazine Article, The Dreamtime of Australia’s Aboriginal People – Songlines are the Footprints to Sacred Ancestor Spirits
This article is close to my heart. While I have visited my family over the many, many years they have…
COMING SOON in FACES magazine, The Dreamtime of Australia’s Aborigines. I collaborated with my sister, Linda Weil, Australian wildlife artist,…
Getting Your Elevator Pitch to Get a Rise
I've had one children's manuscript done for a bit. But to get my elevator pitch down to a succinct, compelling,…
Doing the Perfect Query
Well that tells you right off the bat that there are problems. There are no perfect queries. Yes there are.…
Yippee, now SCBWI Co-Regional Adviser for SF North & East Bay
We have a great region and I have had a blast working with Margaret Speaker Yuan as her assistant regional…
They’ve Been Waiting For Me
My naturalist class has been pretty amazing. I found out its okay and cool to stop & do journal notes.…
SCBWI Los Angeles Conference Kicks Your Rear
The Conference held in Los Angeles is nearly a week long series of meetings, speeches, networking, workshops, parties, eating and…
Runner Injury Equates to Writer Critique Slam
I run and write. I realized that getting a runner injury is like getting a critique slam down on your…
Slush, mush marsh
Marshes Were Smelly Dumps The marsh was the place that people dumped their garbage and construction debri. Just an ugly…
Getting writer’s education and subject matter street cred
Whenever writers are asked to submit a query or proposal, they are asked for their biography and specific relevant experience.…
Writing about Nature
Let's face it. That title does not spark you to jump in. If you are a children's non-fiction writer of…
Conference excitement, but get the pay off
There are so many good reasons for writers to attend conferences. But go with a plan, though. The national August…
AppleSeeds Magazine
My first magazine article appeared in APPLESEEDS May/June 2012 edition. “One Piece at a Time”, an interview with Gary McIntire,…
Marketing and PR
I love writing and devising creative angles to solve problems. That is the backbone of my work. My background is…
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.